Afzal Hussain Rian

Hi! I'm

Afzal Hussain Rian

Welcome to my portfolio! I'm a passionate MERN stack web developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. With a strong foundation in front-end development, I strive to create captivating user interfaces and seamless user experiences. I enjoy turning ideas into functional and visually appealing websites and web applications.

Afzal Hussain Rian Photo

About Me

Hello, I'm Afzal Hussain Rian, a passionate and dedicated frontend web developer. I have completed my graduation in Botany from M.C. College in Sylhet. My journey into the world of programming began when I discovered my love for creating visually appealing and interactive websites.To further enhance my skills, I enrolled in the "Programming Hero" Course, where I completed the web development curriculum and obtained a certificate. This course provided me with comprehensive knowledge and practical experience, enabling me to tackle real-world projects with confidence. When I`m not coding, you can find me indulging in my hobbies. I am an avid Video game enthusiast. I'm also a big fan of anime series and appreciate the artistry and storytelling in this medium.
I am excited to embark on new projects and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Feel free to browse through my portfolio and get in touch with me if you have any inquiries or if you`d like to discuss potential opportunities.

My Skills






React js

Node js

Express js



My Projects

Contact Me

Write me a message 📝

Contact Info :

Maizbari, Sunamganj, Bangladesh

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